Friday, April 20, 2012

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

Is it too short to get this haircut?

I would like my hair cut like this but i am not sure if its going to be possible. I can get some clip in extensions too.

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

You'll definitely need some extensions, but it should be fine. Nice style by the way :) I'm sure you'll look gorgeous. Get a good hairdresser and show him/her the pic. Go for it!

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

first id like to know why youd even want that haircut...

Either way that girl has extensions but they look like ratty glue-ins.

I had my good ol scene days like 4 years ago, hahaha. Go for it. Just tell the hairdresser you want a choppy fashion mullet with some extensions, and bring that picture. Anything is possible.

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

You're gonna need extensions to get that look lol

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

Take this photo to your stylist and see what she can do for you.

Is my hair too short to get this haircut?

extensions duh !

thats what they all do look:

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