Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is it hard to manage short hair?

i have really soft straight hair with a bnit of body. if i cut it short, like above shoulder length .. will it be hard to manage? will i have to straighten it everyday etc...?

Is it hard to manage short hair?

i have short hair and it is really easy 2 manage...sometimes u don't even have to straighten it i like having short hair i think u should give it a go

Is it hard to manage short hair?

I have short hair and most days it is easy to manage. I have naturally wavy hair, though, so I do have to straighten it since it tends to frizz when I leave it wavy. The only thing I miss about longer hair is the ability to pull it back on bad hair days. If you don't get it cut too short, then this may not be an issue for you. Other than that, I love having short hair and everyone loved the change when I got 11 inches chopped off. It was a dramatic, but much-needed change and I don't regret it at all.

Just remember - it's just hair and it will grow back. Go for it!!

Is it hard to manage short hair?

If you hair is very straight naturally, it should still be straight short or not. Sometimes you get a little more body from cutting your hair short, but it should be okay, and easier to manage.

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