Friday, April 20, 2012

Im taking a union hair test and i smoked in june abot 5 hits will it show up, i have extremly short

i have been clean since may of 06 to june of o7 then i smoked and took about 4-5 hits will it show up in my hair test i really need to pass this and i have probly had my hair cut about 10 times since june. pls help thnx alot

Im taking a union hair test and i smoked in june abot 5 hits will it show up, i have extremly short hair?

Only 4 months ago maybe?? But 4-5 hits is not much!! I guess you will find out!! I don't get why people smoke if they know they are being tested??

Im taking a union hair test and i smoked in june abot 5 hits will it show up, i have extremly short hair?

You signed up for Y!A just to ask this. Ha.

Shave your head. Though that would raise suspicions, wouldn't it.

Face the music like an adult. You knew the risks associated with smoking and keeping your job. And you did it anyway. I really have no problem with pot, I do have a problem with people who have their priorities out of whack.

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