Friday, April 20, 2012

Hair cut and body wave.?

Allright. I really want to change up me hair. I was thinking about getting a a short hair cut and a body wave. My hair is not very thick, but its not extremly thin either. Its almost like baby fine...Do you think that this would work nicley in my hair?

Also, if it will, I want to go to Regis, how much do you think htis might cost me?

Thank you.

Hair cut and body wave.?

i think a body wave would look FANTABULOUS. im getting one in a week. it just makes it wavy, not so much curly like in the picture u want. if you want curly, use a curling iron or....watver. hmm im not sure about the cost but its going to cost me $70, but im getting it done by a friend.

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