Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

Well I had really long jet black hair to my lower back, but I wanted a change so I cut it all off into a really reallllllly short hair cut閳ヮ泩ut ever since the day I cut it off this guy I use to flirt with at work completely started ignoring me閳?lol I think that閳ユ獨 kinda of hilarious because I think he may have just been really attracted to my hair. But I still look the same, 5閳? in pretty good shape light brown eyes閳ワ腹鈧洐o what changed. Do guys really prefer long hair?

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

Not me... What i care is about the charecter, behavior, and attitude of the person. I care about people who love me, and i love them back equally if not more.

Oh ya some guys do prefer long hair. It all depends on independent choice. There no general preference of long hair over short.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

wow! he's shallow. i bet your hair looks really cute =)

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

Apperantly so...

I really dont think it matters but i guess some do.

Longer hair makes girls more feminine.. and yeah

Homophobe maybe? aha

Im bored.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

Guys do prefer long hair on women, but if that is what he was basing his attraction of you on, then, he is a shallow guy. Look in another direction and walk past him with your head held high.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

I love long hair. Think about it, if he put on 100 pounds, would you still flirt? If you are JUST at that stage, hair can be important until he gets to know the real you. Personally, I do not find short hair attractive at all.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

ooh! i wish i could cut my hair like that! i think it looks really nice

maybe give him time to get used to the change

if he doesnt turn around then hes a dope

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

He may be getting used to your new hair. Talk to him about it on a break or something.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

some guys think that short hair is sexy and sofisticated. I am contimplating cutting mine bcuz I keep seeing gils with really cute short hair cuts and I have cut mine more than once in the past. I like my hair better short.

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

maybe he doesn't recognize you anymore..

i do prefer medium hair..its fun to grab it while doggy style

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?


im sure you look gorgeous

Cut off my hair, now he ignores me?

He's obviously not worth it. In my experience, most guys prefer longer hair.

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