Friday, March 30, 2012

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

in jessicas i belong to me video she cuts her hair dids she look btter with it cut i like it cut tell me your opition

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

either way worked; it was cute short, but i don't think she cut her actual hair. Jessica like to wear to extensions, she even have her own wig line. see link below. But yes I like her with the short cut.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

i like it long better

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

long she looks younger

short sophisticated

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

Short hair. It brings out her features more...

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?


Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

long. her facial shape better with longer.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

she looks better with longer hair... but she needs to stop injecting her lips with collagen... she looks like a fish now

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I wasnt looking at her hair to begin with;)

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I thought she looked a completely different person with her short hair. Actually i liked it better short n cute.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I agree!! She looks smart, and suffisticated!

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

definitely long hair looks better on her...

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

What a dumb smuck twit she is.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

She is hot both ways

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I liked it better long and wavy on her. I do however understand why she cut it short. With ever major thing in life includes change. She chopped off her hair to have a fresh start, With me I colour it crazy She looks older with it short, its nice looking but I preferred seeing it long.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?


Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

long hair i think

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

long..short...mohawk....she still looks dumb

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I like it better long

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I think she is ugly either way!

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

short hair works wonders for her

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

Long makes her look fun and younger. Short makes her look more sophisticated and mature. I say long.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

She's a small girl and I think all that hair was too much.

I like her hair looks more stylish.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

It doesn't matter to me. She looks cute both ways.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

she didn't cut her's all done with wigs %26amp; hairpieces. i love her w/long hair. short hair makes her look like a soccer mom.

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

While she definately looks good with both cuts longer hair on her is way more attractive

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

I think Long. It's her trademark

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

longer hair is definitely better for her, it just looked good on her, but the short cut, is alright, it's just not matter what kind of cut she has, she's still GORGEOUS!!!!

Dids jessica simpson look better with short hair or long hair?

as long as she have a curly hair it's good. maybe longer better.

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