Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cut my hair for the military?

i am a female going into the military. should i get my hair cut short, at least before i go to basic? my hair is long now, past my shoulders. this would probably be a good excuse to get that fauxhawk i always wanted, eh?

Cut my hair for the military?

It would probably be very beneficial to have it chopped off for will be one less thing for you do to when they come stomping into your room at o'dark-thirty and say you have 3 minutes to get your bed made and get into uniform and get your sorry, worthless butt (ok, so I don't think they hurl insults like they used to!) into formation. Unless you really like doing

Disclaimer-I know nothing about your butt-I don't think it is sorry or worthless...LOL

As far as regulations can have it any length you want so long as it is pulled back in a bun neatly. If you have super thin, fine hair like me...better opt for a short hair never stays 'neat'.

If you don't pull it up...I think that it cannot go past your chin. And they are very make sure you get it trimmed least every two weeks or so.

Cut my hair for the military?

Well, if you've "always wanted" that fauxhawk, then go for it, gurL!! ;)

Cut my hair for the military?

you wont be required to cut your hair, only that your hair doesnt touch your collar in uniform. You can put it up in tight braids to do this.

But if you do cut it, it will make getting ready in the morning go MUCH faster.

Cut my hair for the military?

Cut it now or let the military do it. Either way, I believe your long locks will be gone.

Cut my hair for the military?

yes, get it cut yourself so you will like it (and it will be your choice, not theirs)

Cut my hair for the military?

It will definitely make your hair easier to care for. And this way, you won't have to worry about all the rules about hair not touching your collar.

Cut my hair for the military?

actually women don't need to follow the same cuts as men in basic.

You have actually some styles to choose from. I say keep your current hair until your orientation. Then you don't appear to be a kissazz among your peers.

Believe me. I know this sh!t. Being officer material needs to be played strategically and close to the vest like the game of Big Brother or Survivor. Know your allies. Don't be a kiss azz. You'll go farther.

Cut my hair for the military?

What is a Fauxhawk? I got a mohawk, myself. Is it like that? I have kept my hair short ever since being in the USMC.

Anyhow, yes I'd say get it cut to Military the top of collor for females is acceptable, I belive.

Cut my hair for the military?

Two words: GI Jane!

Cut my hair for the military?

As a female, you're not required to cut your hair. However, it will have to be kept up and off your collar. For convenience, getting it cut would be very beneficial to you. Also, if you're leaving for Basic Training anytime soon, it'll be very hot. Running, marching and so on will plaster your hair to your head and cause you sweat even more. Strictly your choice, but getting it cut would make your life a whole lot easier in many ways.

Cut my hair for the military?

When I joined the Navy back in 1999, all the females got their hair chopped within hours of getting off the bus at boot camp. Girls DO have to get their hair cut for boot camp, because your drill instructors, or division commanders are going to be down your throat every morning to get out of bed, get ready for P.T. etc... There's a very strict schedule for boot camp, called the plan of the day, and you only get about 20 mins to get showered and get ready in the morning. That 20 mins means all the girls in your barracks room have to shower at the same time. We worked it like a conveyor belt. Or sometimes 3-4 girls would crowd around 1 shower head and take turns washing and rinsing. I cut my hair short before boot camp because I knew all the horror stories from other girls who let the butchers, I mean barbers, cut their hair in boot camp. And they were true. Some girls came out of the chair with a 1-2 inch difference in the length of hair on either side of their face. Cut your hair before you go and save yourself the trouble. You'll have one less thing to complain about when you're there.

Cut my hair for the military?

you could go GI Jane but that wont be necessary

your hair will have to be off your collar and pined or braided up under your hat .

if you get it cut you can go with a short bob cut or ask your stylist and she will help you out.

in most cases some females wait until they arrive at orientation before they cut there hair. short hair in basic can be good less time to get ready in the morning and on average you only have 30 minutes or less to shower and get in to uniform and out the door for formation in the morning ,not to mention all the physical activity you ll be doing through out the day in basic .

some girls think short hair is better while others leave it long

in basic. but you will be in a uniform and your appearance is very important especially in a dress uniform . the best thing for you to do would be to cut your hair to keep it off of your shoulders ..

good luck and don't let the drill instructors get to you

this will be the hardest thing you will ever do in your life

is basic training

Cut my hair for the military?

I would cut it. There's not a whole lot of time to get ready in the morning and hair is just going to get in the way. Fauxhawk? Nah, that's not a good look on anybody, even Indians unless there's a festival, but it's your head.

Cut my hair for the military?

I suppose it depends on regulations wherever you're going to serve.

I can just quote the regulations of the Armed Forces I have connection with:

"Female soldier are to have their hair cut short OR wear them short" (i.e. if you arrange them so you could keep them under the helmet, you're okay).

Personally, I prefer to have my hair cut very short (although not shaven, and not a "match cut", i.e just 2 mm long). This way, I don't have to worry whether my hair are neat, do not need to brush them, can wash them with simply soap and cold water if necessary (a vary likely situation under field conditions), and dry them quickly. It's a matter of comfort.

But again, I'm male.

My suggestion: cut your hair as short as you feel comfortable. It's something for something - good looks vs comfort. Simply, out of the military you can afford much more comfort...

Cut my hair for the military?

For basic, I would say odds are the hair's gotta go! You don't have to completely butcher it (unless you want!) but above the shoulders is the going length I'd say. After basic is all done, you should be free to grow your hair back out as long as you please, although you'll have to wear it back in either a bun of some kind or french braid so it's right at or above your collar. These are the basic standards for USNA's plebe summer, so obviously is will vary with basic, but it's a general idea.

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