I always wondered about man liking long or short hair and also like to know do man really prefer blondes? Thinking about cutting my hair and changing it to dark ( I got long red hair).Sorry guys but I'am just curious. Thanks a lot for the Info !! Hugs , Nicole : )
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Hi Nicole, I'm not a guy but I've never met one yet that didn't like long hair and I've met a lot of guys. As to color, one of my sons married a girl with long blonde hair and the other one only ever dated or liked girls with dark hair. A blonde cheerleader was in love with him in high school and he wouldn't give her the time of day. Now that he's older, I know it's because he likes brunettes. If you are a natural red head, I'd never cover it up. You are very unique and will be noticed a lot more. We have a lot of red heads in the family and people are always saying how much they like that red hair but no one comments on the blondes or brunettes. However, hair grows back so if you try it and don't like it it's not the end of the world. I have teen aged grand daughters and they change hair colors like they change shoes. Some works out and some doesn't. From taking them to get hair messes fixed, it works to go from blonde to dark but when it's dyed dark it's real hard to bleach it back blonde w/o it getting orange or kind of greenish. I took one to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night to get stuff to fix her hair color so she could go to her classes the next morning. She was crying and I was laughing because hair screw ups are not the end of the world. I did the same thing when I was young so that's why I take them in the middle of the night when their mother won't. In my era, we bleached our hair out white and then used a different toner color on it for every weekend to match whatever outfit we were wearing so I've had pink, blue, lavender and green. How could I not be understanding with these girls and they are such fun. Ask your grandma what color she used to wear her hair. LOLOLOL So color it all you want but don't cut it all off is my advice. Good Luck.
Do man prefer long or short hair?
long hair for sure
Do man prefer long or short hair?
lol i am not a man..but i do know that man prefer long hair..i am experienced lol
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Long hair, and I actually have a thing for redheads, so leave it alone,
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Its this whole "survival of the species" story. Long hair = healthy fertile female. Men are more attracted to women with long hair because they perceive such women to be "good enough to bear and bring up my children".
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Long red hair is beautiful, I would pay tons of money to have your hair. I say do what you want with your hair but I have also noticed that men like long hair. I think they also like blondes and redheads the most.
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Men tend to believe that long hair is sexy. But both of us know that not everyone looks good in long hair. What you want to do with your hair is your business. If a man rejects you based on hair length, imagine what damage he does with any woman's self esteem he encounters. Not good Hey, you are a wonderful beautiful woman who deserves the best. Have a nice year..
Do man prefer long or short hair?
Whatever looks best on thst person.
Do man prefer long or short hair?
long hair is one of the defining charateristics of the differences between men and women..(among other things) i cant stand a woman with hair shorter than mine. a woman just looks sexier and more feminine with long hair..not to say short haired women cant be sexy ..just my personal preference.
Do man prefer long or short hair?
It really depends on the girl.
I always thought I liked long hair best (I still like it). My gf had long, blonde hair. One night she showed up at my house and it was gone. She told me she was at the salon and saw a photo she liked and went for it...
I have to say that she looked so amazing with her hair short that I couldn't stop looking at her. HOT!
Like I said, it really depends on the girl.
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