Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

I have had long hair since I was about 8...I'm now 19 and I thought it would be nice to change my hair, but, my boyfriend says he likes my hair long. So I was just wondering what other guys thought.

My hair is this long:


I am thinking about getting it cut this short:


Thank you for your help :)

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

I personally like it short - it's sexy.

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

im a girl, but guys like long hair.. according to me, cause its wavy, and they could touch it, feel it, and smell the sweet smells X33

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Woah! That's a whole lotta change.... in one snip. I suggest you cut it maybe a quarter first, and if you like it then, you cut the other part. Once it's cut you cant change it, so, my suggestion is to not cut it all at once. I think that men like long haired women, because I think that men don't want ladies that have hair shorter than theirs.. no offense..

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

wow! thats pretty long, but if it loooks like that im sure its nice :] i like the short hair too. but i like soemthing in between the extremes.s.s

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Well i am a girl but i think Every guy is different ...Seriously ! It depends if you take good care of your long hair ..i mean if it smells nice etc. ....And guy's can like short hair too ..because it is more classy looking ! But every guy is different ! HOpe this helps ...good luck ~

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Well your pleasing one man, right? You answered your question! Your boyfriend likes it loong. :)

But you need to keep yourself happy. Maybe the two of you can compromise something. :)

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Most men like long hair, there are a few who like short.

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Well, I think hair as long as yours can get a little gross...def not saying your hair is gross but just depending on the thickness (as long as its not stringy its okay) but I personally would perfer hair like this http://www.hairstylescut.com/images/cele...

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

long hair for sure! though not as long as the girl in the first pic, thats too long. I never cared for short hair.

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

Well, I've heard that guys like longer hair because it's more feminine, but I like the short hairstyle you picked out =].

Different styles look good on different people, and hey, it's your hair! Do what you want with it!

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

im a girl, but it depends on how you look. the short look doesnt go with everyone. it goes well with faces that are round. so unless your face is round, dont cut it like that.

you can always get it cut under your shoulders if you want a change :]

Do men prefer women with long or short hair ? Why ?

its beautiful long but short look also beautiful.Don t make this decision only because you care about man opinion!!i think your personality and your attitude decided how important you are for them.and if you feel like you need a change do it because what you feel matter.AND....IF YOU DECIDE TO CUT HIM BE CAREFULL AND DON'T LET YOUR HAIR IN THE HAND OF ANYBODY,GO TO SAME BODY REALLY GOOD IF NO SURE YOU REGRET YOUR LONG HAIR.

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