Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

Alright, i'm at this crazy crossroads major decision making time in my life!

i really really really want to cut my hair into kind of a pixie cut. right now it's around chin-length, maybe a little bit longer..

I had really long hair for awhile and it was really pretty, and i cut it and everyone said it looked better shorter..

but like, I don't know, this is incredibly stupid but i had much better luck with guys when it was long. i've heard that mostly guys prefer longer hair on girls, and i know it has to do with personal preference, but at my age guys generally like one type of girl, and that's not the kind i particularly want to be?

so, should i just go ahead and cut it, or grow it back out?

anyways, advice, opinions, whatever :) thankss



Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

Short hair is gorgeous and you wouldn't really want a guy that was that stereotypical that he like his girls to have long hair would you?

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

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Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

i think the short cut right now is really flattering=)

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

I think it would depend on the potential consequences of each decision. I've always had long hair. However, I find that with shorter hair I look a little older. As for work, this is something I would want. In my day-to-day life, however, I would rather it be long. As for guys, I've found that longer hair is probably more appealing on me. But like I said, my job and career are important to me at this point and I would definitely consider cutting it short for that reason.

You should also consider how fast your hair grows. My hair grows EXTREMELY fast and therefore when I cut it short, it's relatively inconsequential because it will grow back to a longer length pretty quickly.

Also keep in mind that shorter hair usually requires a lot more upkeep--more frequent haircuts and more time in the morning to make it look nice. As a side note, I'm a firm believer that messy morning hair is almost always more attractive with longer hair.

Good luck with your decision!

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

i know what you mean by guys only like one type of girl.

I like it long and short, i know that dosn't help much but i had long hair for phew for years and when i cut it i was amazed at how much quicker it is to dry/straighten and how much lower maintenance it is ;)

If you want it short i say go for it screw other people.

So long story short hair grows back cut it ;)

BTW on the actual question the link dosnt work then when i went to answer it works on the answer screen lol if that makes sense

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

is that two different people?

the one with the long hair look alot hotter than the one with the short hair.

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

I think your face is roud show it required to short hair your face look good short means too short it should be bob i think

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

EFF SHORT HAIR. Looks gay.... like lesbian. Unless your a lesbian grow out your hair! Long Hair is HOTT, the more the better. Serious.

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

Grow it long!

Short or long hair, opinions please and thank you :)?

Let it grow long again. Long hair is a crown and short hair looks too uniformlike. Loooong hair looks much more individual. It suits you much more

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